May 23, 2011

Technology of the Ages

Recently, I have discovered that a lot of elderly people are becoming more and more interested in the newest technologies. What I still have yet to discover is how they can be involved with these, without knowing very much about them. Haha. Here are a few of my experiences with this wonderful combination.

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At work, I deal with quite a few senior citizens.

A few weeks ago, I was working up a patient who brought her friend to the exam room with her. These ladies were in their... late-sixties? I was checking the patient's eye pressure, when all of the sudden, I heard a familiar tune. The theme song of Angry Birds. I turned around, and the lady was sitting there, playing Angry Birds on her iPad. Volume all the way up, you could hear the little birds squawking and getting flung into the air. I'm thinking, "Really? In the middle of an eye exam?". Then the lady yells to her friend and to me, "Have you ever played this game? It's the best thing ever! You have to fling birds into objects to kill these green pig-things. Each bird has special powers! It's great!" Bahaha. I never thought I would be taught the game of Angry Birds by a lady with two hearing aids, dentures, and a carpet bag.

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We have recently put up signs in our exam rooms, asking patients to put their phones on silent and to refrain from cell phone conversations. It is distracting and rude! (That part isn't on the sign, but it probably should be...) It is surprising how many people are hopelessly addicted to their phones! We have so many patients who sit in the chair for 5 minutes, fiddling with their phone, until they finally say, "Do you know how to turn this thing off?" or "I don't know how to put my phone on silent." ...Really people? How can you own something without knowing how to work it?!

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The other night, I was sitting at the theater waiting for Tim's play to start. Now, at this show, there were quite a few senior citizens attending the show. I was surrounded. While I was sitting, I tuned into two different conversations around me.

Conversation #1:
There were two elderly ladies sitting next to me. One very loud, very obnoxious one (who, very rudely, ordered me to move down a seat... bitch). And one very quiet, very soft spoken one.

- Loud and obnoxious: Did you know that blu-ray and streaming are different? I always thought that blu-ray was streaming. But no, blu-rays are the actual discs!
- Quiet and soft spoken: Really?
- Loud and obnoxious: Yes! I have only seen two blu-rays before. One was that Avatar movie. You know, with the blue people! It was in HD. And believe me, it was VERY HD.
- Quiet and soft spoken: Oh my word!

Every time I watch a movie, it has to be VERY HD. Or else, it's just not worth it. Haha.

Conversation #2:
Two old men were talking animatedly to each other about iPods.
- Old man #1: I have the Black Eyed Peas on my iPod. Do you like the Black Eyed Peas?
- Old man #2: Eh, I don't like the Black Eyed Peas very much, but I sure do like Fergie!

Haha! Fergie may not be able to sing, but, boy, can she attract 90 year old men!

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Speaking of technology, my laptop is about to die. Until next time!

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